A step forward....?

I have written previously about the current status quo regarding cross-country running and the gender inequality that is rife in the sport. In short, many local leagues do not permit women to run the same distances as men. 

Since then, our group has worked to raise the issue at local level, meeting stiff resistance and concluding with a refusal to discuss the matter further for at least three years. 

In this context, we were left with no choice but to pursue a top-down approach of liaising with UK Athletics to work with them to facilitate the necessary change. Our aim is to ensure equality, in whatever way that is achieved. 

We were delighted to receive a response from UKA that acknowledged the need for change, alongside the complexities and challenges. 

We have now replied and made clear that we believe there cannot be the option to retain the unequal status quo. Inequality cannot persist. This might be resolved in a number of ways and therefore it is essential to work with the cross-country community and all stakeholders to ensure that the changes are implemented in practical ways that meet local needs. We await the next steps, hopeful that equality will prevail and ready to continue working for change. 


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